7632539 | Canada-Brazil insights for global nursing: An exploration of cultures of community health nursing | Autores: Margareth Santos Zanchetta|mzanchet@ryerson.ca|enfermeira|doutora|associate Professor, Associate Director-scholarly, Research And Creative Activities|daphne Cockwell School Of Nursing, Ryerson University-toronto, Canada. ; Alana Ferguson|alana.ferguson@ryerson.ca|enfermeira|bacharel Em Enfermagem|coordinator Of Student Awards Assistant|ryerson University ; Rafaella Queiroga Souto|rafaellaqueiroga7@gmail.com|enfermeira|doutora|professora de Ensino Superior|universidade Federal da Paraíba |
Resumo: **Objective: **Identify the particularities of nurses’ work in primary healthcare (PHC); compare nurses’ role in Canadian and Brazilian PHC; understand the points of congruency in these roles towards a contribution of global nursing agenda.
**Method:** An ethnography study to understand how nurses occupy their institutional space. Data collection included participant observation, consultation with nurses/managers, photographs of nurses in fieldwork, review of patient educational materials and individual interviews. Document review of Canadian and Brazilian nursing documents (n=8), and student’s personal digital diary were sources of data. Preliminary content coding and, the identification of recurrent themes combining techniques of thematic analysis are in progress.
**Results:** During three months four interviews were conducted with nurses with 14 days of observation of nurses’ educational practice and a 36 day personal digital diary was created. The documents revealed that the scopes of practice have similarities and competing underpinning values. Brazilian nurses deal with lack of clients’ compliance to medical recommendations/non-adherence, lack of resources for the treatment and to fund various programs. Long wait times for accessing interdisciplinary healthcare is a major issue, while in Canadian nurses deal with effects of limited access to PHC. .
**Conclusion: **Similar critical access to healthcare undermines nurses’ ability to promote health. Overcrowding services is a primary obstacle for nurses’ work satisfaction. Future exchanges for practice improvement in PHC is possible due to different promising factors in each country.
**Contribution to nursing: **Seen through a student’s critical lens, this study uncovered relevant points to refine our understanding of Canada-Brazil nursing collaboration in PHC.
Referências: Nada a declarar |